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Resource Groups

Welcome to our resource groups page. One of the purposes is to provide a medium to coordinate the sharing of information  and ideas within the open air museum field. Here we have forums available to ask questions, seek advice, network, or present and discuss research relevant to the museum field.  Resource groups meet at our conferences but here the discussion can continue after our conferences. We invite all to participate in our resource group forums.
Resource Groups


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1. Interpretation/Music/Art/Material Culture In this forum we welcome you to post about anything within Interpretation, Music, Art, or Material Culture categories.
02 Jul 2020 5:18 PM Xavier Scarfe
2. Leadership/Supervision We invite you to discuss anything from the Leadership/Supervision categories within this forum.
12 Dec 2018 1:02 PM Deleted user
3. Agriculture/Gardens/Food Here we invite you to discuss anything from the Agriculture/Gardens/Food categories.
01 Dec 2023 11:03 AM Living History Farms
4. Events Here we invite our members to advertise or coordinate for any events they have in the future.
5. Social If you have any social topics to discuss we invite you to post those here or on our Facebook page.
Conferences Past, Present and Future This forum provides links to reports and information from past conferences and workshops. Feel free to also use it to provide suggestions for future workshops and conference topics.
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